Hyacinth Macaw

The Hyacinth macaws are native to central and eastern South America and now inhabit only three distinct areas: the Pantanal, natural region of Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay; The Cerrado, tropical savanna ecoregion of Brazil; the eastern Amazon Basin of Brazil.
In the wild, hyacinth macaws primarily feed on fruit, green vegetation, and nuts—especially the nuts from the acuri and bocaiuva palms. Its strong beak can even crack coconuts.

The largest parrot by length in the world, the hyacinth macaw is 1 m (3 ft 3 in) long from the tip of its tail to the top of its head and weighs 1.2–1.7 kg (2 lb 10 oz – 3 lb 12 oz). Each wing is 38.8–42.5 cm (15+1⁄4–16+3⁄4 in) long. The tail is long and pointed. Its feathers are entirely blue, lighter above. However, the neck feathers can sometimes be slightly grey. The ring around the parrots eyes and area just underneath the beak are a strong, vibrant yellow.

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